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Our Capital Campaign is the catalyst for positive change in youth education.  It is the monetary force that will allow Pro-Vision to expand the campus, (pictured below), programs, and continue to maintain the organization as a resource for children, families, and seniors in the Sunnyside community.

Through land acquisition, academic building construction, and sports facility construction,  Phase I of the Capital Campaign addresses Pro-Vision's immediate student priorities. These key expansions will proportionately expand capacity and enrollment opportunities across the school, farm, and character development programs. Our potential, coupled with the opportunity to place our effort and nurture it, equals a positive transformation for students and the larger community.

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Campaign Goal Counter

$0 million

Through the Capital Campaign, Pro-Vision has raised over 8.1 million dollars of it's 9.7 million construction cost. These funds, graciously provided by our individual and foundation donors, will contribute to Pro-Vision's expansion and ability to better serve program participants.

So far, the capital campaign has allowed Pro-Vision to build a well-equipped, 22-acre facility that services community youth via the Pro-Vision School and Urban Farm.

Special Thanks To:

  • Albert & Margaret Alkek Foundation

  • Amegy Bank

  • M.D. Anderson Foundation

  • The Brown Foundation, Inc.

  • The Cullen Foundation

  • The Elkins Foundation

  • George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation

  • Albert and Ethel Herzstein Foundation

  • Hildebrand Family Foundation

  • The Lyons Foundation

  • Robert and Janice McNair Foundation

  • Touchdown Houston

  • Urban Construction SW

  • Kinder Foundation

and many others who have contributed to to this campaign phase.

Your generosity allows us to support and strengthen the Sunnyside community, and touch the lives of hundreds of young people.

Interested in becoming a donor?

Thank you for your interest. 


Please fill out the adjacent form. A fundraising coordinator will be in contact to provide more information concerning donorship at Pro-Vision. 

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"If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress."

- Former President, Barack Obama