Making and Meeting Goals for the New School Year

Since “National Get Organized Week” is almost here, it’s a great opportunity to discuss the importance of setting goals and following through so that you achieve great things. Let’s take a look at a few tips on how Pro-Vision Academy students can create and attain their goals during the 2014-2015 school year.


Goal Setting for Students

Goals give you direction and put you on a path to success. They are the first step to making your hopes and dreams a reality. They can be short-term or long-term, or your short-term goals can lead to a long-term goal down the road.

Make Goals Realistic – The best goals are the ones that you can actually achieve. When setting goals consider your timeline, resources and outside influencers to determine how realistic a goal is. Having big goals is great! But you may need to set smaller goals in order to get there. For example, say a Pro-Vision sophomore has a big goal of getting to college on a full scholarship. This year they can make 2014-2015 goals like putting together a college plan, practicing for the ACT/SAT, joining the College Bound Program and doing 20 hours of volunteer work. All these smaller goals are a part of making the big goal possible.

Focus Goals on Academic Achievements – Your education should always be a top priority. Having a good education can open up more doors, allow you to make bigger goals and give you more choices in life. If you have a subject that you struggle with make it your goal to improve you test scores in that class. Want to learn something new, have fun and expand your thinking skills? Make it a goal to join the Chess, Music or Ceramics Program.

Focus on Positive Goals That Improve Your Life and the Life of Others – Acting with virtue is commendable no matter how old you are. Think long and hard about the virtues you want to live by in life – kindness, caring, responsibility, truthfulness and courage are just a few positive virtues. Center a goal or two on ways that you can improve your character through positive virtues.

List the Steps to Get There – Once you know your goal now it’s time to figure out how you’re going to achieve it. The more detailed you can be with the steps that you can take to reach your goal the better. Each step will be like a mini-goal that inspires you to keep going.

Utilize Your Resources – At Pro-Vision Academy students are fortunate enough to have a huge selection of academic and extracurricular programs and mentors that can help you achieve your goals. Having the support of others and sharing your goals is one of the most effective ways of making them happen.

Celebrate Your Success – Reaching a goal is something worth celebrating. Each time you reach a goal reward yourself and share the success with the people who helped you along the way.

Academic Goals from the Pro-Vision Staff

Want a little goal setting inspiration? Students can take a look at some of the goals that members of the Pro-Vision staff have made for the 2014-2015 school year.

Marissa Simmons, PEIMS Coordinator

Impact more students in a positive way.

Coach Gilbert Good, Athletic Director

Help underachieving students become positive within themselves.

Pat Rogers, Dean of Curriculum and Instruction

Overall increase in Stanford and State testing scores. Assessment and introduction of some expansion of the academic programs.

Coach Kenneth Patrick “KP”, Assistant Middle School Principle

Help every student I come in contact with to pass the STARR test.

Coach Michael Henry, Assistant Middle School Principle

Increase the skill-set and vocabulary of our students so that they can speak the language of educated individuals.

We’re super excited about the new school year and all the possibilities it holds. Make the most of 2014-2015 by starting the goal setting process today!

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