How Male Role Models Impact the Lives of All Pro-Vision Students

4K4A6122A lot has been said about the importance of male role models in young men’s lives, and no one knows how big an impact it can make than the students and instructors at Pro-Vision Houston charter school. New discussions and research are now showing that these male role models play just as big a role for girls and young women.

Global Relationship Strategist Denyce Gartrell is among the professionals that agree male role models are just as important for females. Likewise, during her time as assistant professor of social work at Morgan State University Ms. Rhonda Wells-Wilbon conducted a study in 2000-2001 specifically looking at the impact of having male role models in the classroom. The study conclusively showed that they played a positive, supportive role. It’s all about setting examples of what should be expected and creating healthy relationships now as well as in the future.

Creating Trust and Positive Perceptions

Having a male role model is vital for all children, especially those that live in a household with a single mother. Pro-Vision founder Roynell Young understood this more than 24 years ago when he created the Manhood Development Program. It was created to provide young men with positive role models that serve as mentors. This mentoring helps guide the young men towards a purposeful life.

Impressions early in life have a huge influence on the views that children develop later as adults. PsychCentral points out that, “girls draw conclusions about what men are like from the men in their life. If there is a father (or a male in her life who takes a father role), that man becomes her guidepost for what to expect of men and what to expect of men’s attitude toward women.”

A girl’s interaction with male role models also shapes her own identity and well as the relationships she forms with men later in life. Lack of a positive male role model or having a negative male presence could ultimately affect how the girl relates to herself, other women and men.

How the Teachers at Pro-Vision are Making a Difference

Last year Pro-Vision began enrolling female students for the first time. Like their male counterparts they have the benefit of a faculty full of positive male role models that not only provide an example for the young men, but also show all students the importance of treating each other with respect. The teachers provide support to female students by:

  • Celebrating their minds
  • Showing support by attending events
  • Creating a safe environment
  • Treating the female staff with the utmost respect

If you’d like to get involved and become a positive role model for Pro-Vision students please contact us about volunteer opportunities. We are always in need of both male and female volunteers for our many programs and events.

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