Young Professionals

Mission & Purpose

Through the years, Pro-Vision, Inc. has transformed many young lives who go on to impact their communities in many positive ways. Our core programs develop educated, financially independent, community-minded young leaders who work to create systemic change in underserved, economically disadvantaged areas across Houston.

Pro-Vision, Inc. Young Professionals is a group of men and women, ages 21 through 40, from different areas of Houston, committed to supporting Pro-Vision, Inc.'s mission through philanthropy, volunteerism, and awareness. Members participate in networking and social events, raise awareness through special activities and fundraisers, and volunteer at Pro-Vision, Inc.'s community events.

Join as a new member today by committing to a $25 annual donation. Your thoughtfulness will help make a lasting impact in the lives of young people and families throughout Sunnyside and other Houston communities.

YP Expectations

  • Recommend/Recruit Potential Young Professionals.
  • Advocate for the youth and families in Sunnyside and local communities by understanding their needs and amplifying their voices.
  • Leverage personal and professional networks to support our Young Professionals' fundraising activities and goals.
  • Willingness to represent Pro-Vision, Inc. at various events and speaking engagements, articulating the organization's mission and objectives effectively.
  • Identify and nurture relationships with local businesses, explore funding opportunities from the community, and pursue outreach options to support Pro-Vision Inc.'s programs.

YP Time & Financial Commitment

  • Attend and participate in at least 75% of Young Professional's meetings annually.
  • They will dedicate 1 - 2 hours of their time every month for one year to support Pro-Vision Inc.'s mission and initiatives.
  • The Young Professionals group will take the lead in planning and executing events aimed at raising funds and cultivating new supporters for Pro-Vision, Inc.
  • They will contribute $25 annually to Pro-Vision, Inc. for membership dues.