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The greatest investment one can make is to invest in the life of another

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Programmatic Support  Gifts to a particular program such as our Manhood Development, S.H.E., Job Enterprise, Pro-Vision/McNair Urban Farm, Community Garden or Housing allows Pro-Vision, Inc. to make a lasting impact in the lives of young people and families in need. Pro-Vision, Inc. continues to evolve as an organization because we believe that our programs will help lift people out of poverty through academic, economic and social enrichment. CLICK HERE to donate today.


Legacy Giving  Your Philanthropic Legacy represents your core values and reflects how you want to be remembered by your friends, family, and community.  Unlike gifts of cash, legacy gifts typically come from assets in your estate, rather than disposable income. Creative gifts of assets can include stocks, bonds, and property (real estate and personal property such as artwork). These provide you with charitable deductions and can offer additional tax savings as well.  CLICK HERE to find out more about creating a legacy for Pro-Vision members that lasts for generations.


Honorary and Memorial Gifts Honorary and Memorial gifts are a distinctive way to observe a special occasion or celebrate the memory of a loved one. Tribute gifts can also be made in celebration of a special day including a birthday, graduation and anniversary. All gifts are tax deductible and will benefit Pro-Vision, Inc. For more information, contact Gaby Solis, Director of Development at (832) 804-8814.

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